
Montreal, August 19, 2024 - One of the particularity of the World Bahá’í Community is a celebration called “19 Day Feast”! 

The above mentioned Feast correspond to the Bahá’í Calendar which divides the year into 19 months of 19 days! The five remaining days to complete the solar year are called the “Intercalary days”, located Just before the 19th month.

On August 19, nine neighbourhoods in Montreal have celebrated the occasion with utmost joy and gratitude!

The vision of Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Montreal has always been focussed on community building and one of its major plan this year:

“What is required to further extend the process of community building and effect profound social transformation” 

To achieve this goal, the Assembly is ‘striving to strengthen the 19 Day Feast space, such that it can be the rhythmic pulse where understanding is both gathered and shared liberally, all in a joyous and spiritual atmosphere’. 

To appreciate further the role of the 19 Day Feast in the community we read Bahá’u'lláh, in His Holy Book "The Kitáb-i-Aqdas" referring to the 19 Day Feast in following terms:

Verily, it is enjoined upon you to offer a feast, once in every month, though only water be served; for God hath purposed to bind hearts together, albeit through both earthly and heavenly means.

'Abdu'l-Bahá, in a Tablet addressed to an individual believer says:

This festivity, which is held on a day of the nineteen-day month, was established by His Holiness the Báb, and the Blessed Beauty directed (Bahá’u’lláh), confirmed and warmly encouraged the holding of it. It is, therefore, of the utmost importance. You should unquestionably see to it with the greatest care, and make its value known, so that it may become solidly established on a permanent basis. Let the beloved of God gather together and associate most lovingly and spiritually and happily with one another, conducting themselves with the greatest courtesy and self-restraint. Let them read the holy verses, as well as essays which are of benefit, and the letters of `Abdu'l-Bahá; encourage and inspire one another to love each and all; chant the prayers with serenity and joy; give eloquent talks, and praise the matchless Lord.
The host, with complete self-effacement, showing kindness to all, must be a comfort to each one, and serve the friends with his own hands.
If the Feast is befittingly held, in the manner described, then this supper will verily be the Lord's Supper, for its fruits will be the very fruits of that Supper, and its influence the same.

In another of his writings, `Abdu'l-Bahá refers to the Feast:

As to the Nineteen Day Feast, it rejoiceth mind and heart. If this feast be held in the proper fashion, the friends will, once in nineteen days, find themselves spiritually restored, and endued with a power that is not of this world.

In a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, the importance of children assisting the Feast is emphasized:

Since children of Bahá'í parents are considered to be Bahá'ís, they are to be encouraged to attend all Feasts, there to share the reading of the Writings and prayers and be bathed in the spirit of the community. It is the hope of the House of Justice that every Feast will be a feast of love when the children will give and receive the tangible affection of the community and its individual members.

The most important part of the Feast is ‘Consultation’! It is considered as the heart of the Feast!

The chief opportunity which the friends have for discussion on administrative questions is during the Nineteen Day Feasts, at which time the members of the Assembly can meet with the body of the believers and discuss in common the affairs of the Cause, and suggest new policies and methods.

(In a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, 27 March 1938 to an individual believer)

It is not only the right, but the vital responsibility of every loyal and intelligent member of the Community to offer fully and frankly, but with due respect and consideration to the authority of the Assembly, any suggestion, recommendation or criticism he conscientiously feels he should in order to improve and remedy certain existing conditions or trends in his local Community, and it is the duty of the Assembly also to give careful consideration to any such views submitted to them by any one of the believers. The best occasion chosen for this purpose is the Nineteen Day Feast, which, besides its social and spiritual aspects, fulfils various administrative needs and requirements of the Community, chief among them being the need for open and constructive criticism and deliberation regarding the state of affairs within the local Bahá'í Community.

(In a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, 13 December 1939 to an individual believer)

Every individual member of the community, therefore, has the responsibility to attend and support this Institution, to take an active part in community building process and be a standard bearer of ‘unity in diversity’!

Photos : Celebration of the 19 Day Feast in various Montreal neighbourhood

* All quotations are from Nineteen Day Feast Compilation


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