
Montreal, May 7, 2023 – Bahá’u’lláh in one of His writings called the Glad-Tidings says: “Although a republican form of government profiteth all the peoples of the world, yet the majesty of kingship is one of the signs of God. We do not wish that the countries of the world should remain deprived thereof. If the sagacious combine the two forms into one, great will be their reward in the presence of God.”

The coronation of a new king opened new doors and brought new vistas in mankind’s vision! It seems it was another occasion to bring the Bahá’í Faith, however subliminal, to the attention of the people of the world!

A special attention was given that the religious and First Nation delegations be present at the coronation ceremony at Westminster Abbey headed by the representative of the Bahá’í Community of United Kingdom, a lady carrying an OBE (Order of British Empire) from the late Queen herself! The announcer from the BBC television made specific mention of the Bahá’í Faith during the procession of representatives of various religions. Once again, the name of the Faith has been heard in this majestic Abbey which was home to several interfaith gatherings headed by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh himself!

A dignified ceremony was held on Sunday at the occasion of the new king’s coronation at Montreal Christ Church attended by some 200 dignitaries, representatives of various Government Officials including representatives of various religions including the Bahá’í Community.

In his address, the Honourable J. Michel Doyon, Q.C., 29th Lieutenant Governor of Quebec wished for a new era of unity and commonwealth of the nations under the new monarch! Later in a conversation with a member of the Montreal Bahá’í Community, he elaborated further about the essential role of religions, specifically the Bahá’í Faith being a catalyst, to introduce the fundamental truth of all religions which is the unity of humankind! He also wished that humanity understands one day how religions have been the cause of unity of humanity rather the animosity and negative elements brought about by their followers! He expressed his good wishes for the Bahá’í Community!

During a conversation with the Very Rev’d Bertrand Olivier, Dean and Rector of the Christ Church, he mentioned that he wanted very much to attend the Commemoration of the Centenary of the passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá at Saint James’s Cathedral but he was on duty elsewhere! He is planning to organize a meeting to bring together the religious leaders of Montreal in a forum of unity and understanding!

Perhaps the most interesting conversation was with Dr. Nichols Capozzoli, director of music at the cathedral! He said he gathered the music for this celebration from the idea of nearness to God at sunrise and sunset, honouring the awakening of the world and placing it into God’s hands again when we go to rest. This idea was masterly performed by a fifty-voice choral composed of different nations and ethnic background including a baby from First Nations on the backpack of his mother!

It is to note that it was Herbert Symonds, vicar of Christ Church (1860-1921) who introduced ‘Abd’ul-Bahá to 1200 members of congregation present at Saint James’s United Church where he gave a talk on September 5, 1912.


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